La Ley de Modernización de la Inocuidad Alimentaria cuenta con los siguientes capítulos:
TITLE I--IMPROVING CAPACITY TO PREVENT FOOD SAFETY PROBLEMS Sec. 101. Inspections of records. Sec. 102. Registration of food facilities. Sec. 103. Hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls. Sec. 104. Performance standards. Sec. 105. Standards for produce safety. Sec. 106. Protection against intentional adulteration. Sec. 107. Authority to collect fees. Sec. 108. National agriculture and food defense strategy. Sec. 109. Food and Agriculture Coordinating Councils. Sec. 110. Building domestic capacity. Sec. 111. Sanitary transportation of food. Sec. 112. Food allergy and anaphylaxis management. Sec. 113. New dietary ingredients. Sec. 114. Requirement for guidance relating to post harvest processing of raw oysters. Sec. 115. Port shopping. Sec. 116. Alcohol-related facilities.
TITLE II--IMPROVING CAPACITY TO DETECT AND RESPOND TO FOOD SAFETY PROBLEMS Sec. 201. Targeting of inspection resources for domestic facilities, foreign facilities, and ports of entry; annual report. Sec. 202. Laboratory accreditation for analyses of foods. Sec. 203. Integrated consortium of laboratory networks. Sec. 204. Enhancing tracking and tracing of food and recordkeeping. Sec. 205. Surveillance. Sec. 206. Mandatory recall authority. Sec. 207. Administrative detention of food. Sec. 208. Decontamination and disposal standards and plans. Sec. 209. Improving the training of State, local, territorial, and tribal food safety officials. Sec. 210. Enhancing food safety. Sec. 211. Improving the reportable food registry.
TITLE III--IMPROVING THE SAFETY OF IMPORTED FOOD Sec. 301. Foreign supplier verification program. Sec. 302. Voluntary qualified importer program. Sec. 303. Authority to require import certifications for food. Sec. 304. Prior notice of imported food shipments. Sec. 305. Building capacity of foreign governments with respect to food safety. Sec. 306. Inspection of foreign food facilities. Sec. 307. Accreditation of third-party auditors. Sec. 308. Foreign offices of the Food and Drug Administration. Sec. 309. Smuggled food.
TITLE IV--MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Sec. 401. Funding for food safety. Sec. 402. Employee protections. Sec. 403. Jurisdiction; authorities. Sec. 404. Compliance with international agreements. Sec. 405. Determination of budgetary effects.
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